5 Reasons Why Canadian Businesses Need Accessible Signage Installation

Signage Installation

Signage installation can seem like a simple concept you have signs, and you put them somewhere but there are actually many factors that go into effective signage.

The most important of these elements is whether the signs your company has installed are accessible or not; after all, if people can’t access your signs, they might as well not be there!

Here are five reasons why Canadian businesses need to make sure their signage installation is accessible to all.

Read also: Different Types of Business Custom Signs and Their Advantages

1) To Serve Customers

According to Statistics Canada, over 19% of Canadians between ages 15 and 64 have a disability. That’s almost 5 million customers!

However, with many businesses still not fully equipped with accessible signage that would allow these customers to independently navigate their facility, they are essentially being left out in the cold.

This is causing a massive loss in potential revenue. If your business wants to be on top of current industry trends. Providing customers with accessible signage options should be a no-brainer.

Not only will doing so drive more traffic and sales into your establishment but it will also leave you ahead of many competitors who don’t currently offer those options.

2) To Be Proactive

When you’re considering signage, it’s important to think beyond just installing signs and making your business look attractive. The truth is that accessibility is so much more than pretty faces. It’s about making sure that your business is accommodating for people with a wide variety of physical capabilities and sensory skills.

While improved awareness of accessible signage has taken hold in recent years. There are still plenty of businesses that don’t have proper accessibility features in place.

This can lead to big issues for employees who struggle to get around their offices or customers who need specific accommodations.

If you want to take an active role in creating an inclusive environment, proper signage installation is a great way to start.

3) To Stay Safe

Making your business accessible to everyone will keep you (and your staff) safe. Not only that, but it will also make customers feel more at ease when they come into your place of business.

By installing accessibility signage, like braille and tactile signage. Customers who are visually impaired can find their way around your business with ease. This can save a lot of stress and confusion in an already stressful situation.

4) To Comply with Laws

In 2004, Canada passed a law requiring businesses and other public venues to have signs that are in compliance with Canadian accessibility standards. In order to meet legal requirements, accessible signage installation is vital.

Without it, organizations run afoul of accessibility legislation and can be subject to fines. Ensuring that all your signage meets legislated standards will protect you from unnecessary penalties. And ensure that everyone has access to information at your venue.

5) To Be Prepared in Case of Emergencies

When thinking of businesses that need signage installed, many people will immediately jump to locations like hospitals and schools.

However, there are also a number of businesses around Canada that could benefit from accessible signage as well. While some building codes make it mandatory for businesses to have such signs in place. It’s still helpful for others to have them installed if their building code does not require it.

It may be more expensive than some would expect to hire a professional sign company to install these types of signs. But it’s worth it in terms of safety and convenience overall.

It can be much easier for first responders or paramedics when they know where they are going ahead of time. And can find what they need quickly after arriving on scene.

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