How to make a plate from a Chinese takeout box

Chinese takeout box

The food industry is evolving at a rapid pace. A number of restaurants and food chains keep on opening with the passage of time. Each of them offers a number of delicious food items that people can’t stay away from purchasing them. Their tempting tastes and enchanting aroma attract every passing by. Chinese food has become famous worldwide in a short interval of time.

The reason for acceptance is its unique taste and flavor. Moreover is relatively inexpensive and can be prepared in no time by restaurants. That’s why people prefer it as take away item. Chinese takeout boxes are used for this purpose. These white custom packaging boxes designed from origami folds are recognized worldwide as a symbol of Chinese food. White cardboard is used to make the boxes.

The material is highly durable to keep the food safe during the transition. The cardboard paper is cut and folded in a special way to give it a particular shape. Moreover, it is lined with a special material from inside which retains the taste of food and keeps it warm for hours. The Chinese takeout boxes come up with handles to make them easy to carry.

Chinese Takeout boxes as plates

It will be interesting to know that Chinese takeaway boxes can be easily converted into plates. It’s the reason that they are considered the best various takeaway food items. If you are in hurry or late for work, just carry this takeaway packaging with you. It can be turned into a plate anytime anywhere to get access to your tangled noodles or other food items.

Now you need not get your hands dirty by digging deep into the box. Moreover, it saves your time and effort in arranging other communal plates and pouring the food into them. Just unfold the takeaway packaging into a plate by following some of the simple steps:

Step 1: Assess the container’s content

Before unfolding the Chinese takeaway boxes, open them to have access to the contents inside. As you will be unfolding the box by keeping the food in, it’s necessary to consider how packed is the box and what is inside it. If the food is over-packed or has messy sauces, it may end in a bigger mess when the box is converted to a plate. Therefore, size up the meal first.

Step 2: Remove the handle of the box

Open the top of the Chinese takeout box and hold the container in one hand. Pull the handle off from one side until it gets dislodged. You may have to twist or turn the handle to set it apart. Repeat the process for another side as well. Or leave the other side of the handle without removing it. The handle may help you to hold the box in its place when you collapse it.

Step 3: Search for the staple

The next step is to see for the staple or flaps which hold the box together. Grab it firmly from the side where the cardboard is glued and creased together.

Step 4: Pull one side of the fold to open

As the Chinese takeaway boxes are designed from a single construction of cardboard, so by pulling one side of the fold or staple apart, you can easily open that side of the box.

Step 5: Spin the box around

Repeat the process for the second side of the box to open its folded side. Just spin the box around on a flat surface and convert it to a plate. Make sure that all the process is done with care otherwise it will result in food flying all around, making a large mess on the table or even your clothes. For a more clear understanding of how to convert a Chinese takeout box into a plate, refer to the following video

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