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How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels?

Blood Oxygen Levels

Oxygen saturation, blood oxygen level and good blood levels of oxygen, you might have heard about these terms countless times during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us thoroughly educate you on what is oxygen saturation and why it is important for you to give two cents about it. 

What are Blood Oxygen Levels or Oxygen Saturation?

According to the best pulmonologist in Karachi, the levels of oxygen that are present in our blood are known as blood oxygen levels or oxygen saturation. Optimized levels of oxygen are highly important. Because if the oxygen supply is not stable then it might lead to organ tissue and cell damage. 

What is the Normal Blood Oxygen Level?

The normal blood oxygen level lies between 95-100%. But it is an average and might change from one person to another. For instance, if someone is suffering from a previous medical issue or lung condition then their blood oxygen level might fluctuate. 

But if the blood oxygen level falls below 90% then the condition is said to be severe. This low blood oxygen level is known as hypoxemia. You need to consult with a doctor whether you have COVID-19 or not. This is because low levels of oxygen can be a result of COVID-19. 

How to Increase Your Blood Oxygen Levels?

Wondering about how to increase your blood oxygen levels, well given below are some of the methods that might work. 

Make the Best Out of Prone Position

Proning is a scientifically proven method that is recommended to increase blood oxygen levels. A person is instructed to lie down on their belly while keeping their chest elevated with the aid of some pillows. 

In order for it to work effectively, try to place a pillow beneath the neck and then you can place two pillows on your shin. This way you are lying low on your stomach and oxygen is able to enter the bloodstream more effortlessly. 

Proning is not the only position that can help you, fowler might also come to save the day. During the fowler position, you are lying with a straight spine. This way the upper body is resting at an angle between 60 to 90 degrees. Remember to just breathe during both positions be it fowler or proning. 

A life tip here is that if you are struggling with extremely low levels of oxygen in your blood then you should immediately lie on your stomach. This helps your diaphragm to relax and you are able to restore the lost oxygen in your blood. 

Antioxidants can Seal the Deal

Although you might be familiar with the many benefits of a balanced diet let us educate you once more. A balanced diet can be best described as a meal that ensures a delicate balance of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants all in one. 

In case you are wondering about the best food choices for stable blood oxygen levels. Here is a list of foods that will prove to be quite effective:

Furthermore, you also need to stock up on fibre-rich foods. Fibre-rich foods are necessary for keeping the hemoglobin loaded with oxygen. Remember that good levels of hemoglobin are needed to keep the oxygen in the body optimized. Some iron-rich foods such as fish, eggs, legumes and beans are also helpful in keeping the blood filled with oxygen. 

Master the Art of Slow Breathing

People might have no idea that the way they accustom their breathing patterns says a lot about the level of oxygen in their blood. That is why when you make small but noticeable changes to your breathing pattern you are able to enjoy the fruits of better and optimized blood oxygen level. 

Doctors say that people who are only breathing with their upper chest but make no good use of the diaphragm tend to suffer from low levels of oxygen in their blood. 

Therefore deep inhaling is the way to move forward. This way you are not breathing with your diaphragm but with your chest. With the help of this method, a person is able to inhale a significant amount of air that is humanely possible. Thus deep breaths are considered to be an effective method for keeping the blood oxygen levels intact. Furthermore, doctors also encourage people to breathe from their noses as compared to their mouths. 

Hydration is Necessary 

Last but not least, people should pay attention to keeping their bodies health and hydrated. Dehydration can be your enemy if you are struggling with low levels of oxygen saturation. So when a person drinks a lot of fluids they are able to enjoy the perks of healthy lungs. 

Furthermore, good levels of water help with fluid retention. This aids in removing excess carbon dioxide and helps with the oxygen levels in the body.

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